MedTech alums come together for Coffee@Home

In Photo [L-R]: ARO Office Assistant Celine Mayor, FEU MTSoc Secretary Atalie Mary Kizzane Aquino, FEU MTSoc President Keno James Mitra, ARO Section Head Glenn Concepcion, MedTech Department Chair Luis Dominick Antig, MedTech Associate Department Chair Rachelle Anne G. Segismundo, alumna Angel Nilo, alumnus Edrick Dianzon, alumnus Dr. Gerald Barry De Rueda, Student Discipline Director Albert Benni Doloiras, and ARO Director Celmer Santos

The FEU Alumni Relations Office (ARO) and the Medical Technology Department organized the “Coffee@Home” with several FEU MedTech alumni last April 28, 2023.

ARO Director Celmer Santos officially welcomed and updated the guests on the ARO programs and services, while FEU IHSN – Department of Medical Technology, Manila Department Chair Luis Dominick Antig shared updates on the MedTech program. The plans of putting up an alumni association for MedTech alumni and how the community can help prepare board examinees were also discussed during the meeting.

Some FEU Medical Technology Society (MTSoc) officers were also present at the event.