FEU ARO Launches a Scholarship Program for Techvoc Students

In the picture from left to right: NRMF Executive Director Patrick Manuel, Anihan Technical School School Director Ma. Rowena Nazareno, FEU-ARO Director Celmer Santos, and Anihan Technical School Industry Linkage and Alumnae Officer Maria Senen Olmos

The FEU Alumni Relations Office (ARO), in partnership with the Nicanor Reyes Memorial Foundation, launched the FEU Alumni Scholarship and Financial Aid Program, which aims to provide financial support to deserving but underprivileged students who wish to enroll in a two-year technical vocational course. The project seeks to help scholars harness their skills and land a job immediately after completing their chosen TechVoc course from among the partner schools, namely Anihan Technical School, Don Bosco Technical College, and DualTech Training Center. As of this writing, the program has sent ten pilot scholars to Anihan Technical School, ten to Don Bosco Technical College, and ten to Dualtech Training Center.

The Scholarship program is also funded through FEU ARO’s OneFEU Fund. The Scholarship Program is open to all dependents of the FEU community, including but not limited to maintenance staff, security personnel, drivers, contractors, forest rangers, and indigenous people.

In the picture from left to right: Fr. Ramil Maranan, SDB (DBTC-VP for Student Services), Mr. Patrick Manuel (NRMF Executive Director), Mr. Celmer Santos (FEU-ARO Director), Fr. Ronilo Javines, SDB (DBTC Rector), Fr. Edwin Ulanday, SDB (DBFP Treasurer), and Fr. Marc Will Lim, SDB (DBTC – VP for Administration)
In the picture from left to right: Mr. Rommel Tejada (DualTech Training Center – Sponsorship & Alumni Relations Manager), Mr. Arnolfo Morfe (DualTech Training Center – President), Mr. Celmer Santos (FEU-ARO Director), and Mr. Patrick Manuel (NRMF Executive Director)