University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Nursing Simulation team shares best practices with Far Eastern University.

Dr. John Yason, Ph.D., Dean of the Institute of Health Sciences and Nursing (IHSN), and Mr. Celmer L. Santos, MBA, Director of Alumni Relations, met with UCLA College of Nursing Dean Lin Zhan and Associate Dean Lauren Clark. Together with Ms. Carmelita Rafols, RN, FEU Nursing Alumni Foundation Advisor, and Dr. Emma Cuenca, an FEU alumna and Program Director of UCLA Nursing’s prelicensure programs, toured the UCLA simulation laboratories.

In Photo (L-R) Ms. Carmelita Rafols, RN [FEU Nursing Alumni Foundation Advisor]; John Yason, Ph.D. [Dean of FEU Institute of Health Sciences and Nursing (IHSN); Lin Zhan, Ph.D, Dean, UCLA College of Nursing; Emma Cuenca, Ph.D., Program Director of UCLA Nursing’s prelicensure programs; Ms. Jihan Ceynan, MSN, UCLA Nursing’s Director of Skills & Simulation; and Mr. Celmer Santos, MBA, Director of FEU Alumni Relations Office

Ms. Jihan Ceynan, MSN, AGPCNP, HNP, UCLA Nursing’s Director of Skills & Simulation, provided the group with a detailed overview of UCLA Nursing’s simulation program and the methodologies they use to equip the students with necessary competency.

A Memorandum of Understanding between UCLA and FEU has been signed to facilitate collaborations such as exchanges of faculty, scholars, and administrators; organization of joint conferences & scientific meetings; exploration of possibilities for developing collaborative research programs; and other exchange and cooperation initiatives to which the parties agree.

The original article appeared in UCLA Website: